Monday, April 7, 2014

Greater Cleveland Drawing/Painting Groups

Here's a post concerning artistic fellowship.

Here in Cleveland we're blessed with a multitude of organizations that help us develop as artists. My own career was at a point where I was struggling with meaning and inspiration. When I discovered the Murray Hill Life Drawing Group a gong went off in my brain and my ability to capture the human figure took off. Both the experience of drawing from life and being exposed to inspiring artists (I'm talking to you Terry Orvis and Larry Zuzik) enabled my work to move up a notch or two.

These are some of the art / drawing / illustration groups available to those that are lucky enough to live in the Greater Cleveland Area

Dr. Sketchy Cleveland
NOIS (Northern Ohio Illustrators Society)
Ohio Watercolorists Society (just starting to learn about and appreciate)

I don't want to sound like a Pollyanna, but the Cleveland Area is ROBUST in all things artistic!!!

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